Since I last posted, MANY amazing things have taken place. Where do I start?
First, my last fast food meal was on December 30th at Taco Bell, so if you do the math, I'm 14 days "fast-food-free!"
That may not sound like much to you, but for me?! That's a MIRACLE.
Which leads me to the next great thing...
On Sunday, January 3rd, during our communion time at church, I felt led of the Lord to ask a friend to pray for me for healing of this addiction. She, too, has struggled with eating disorders, and she very graciously prayed over me and we believed together that God could do a miracle in my life.
I specifically asked God to "take away the desire, the very CRAVING for this food. Please, be my food, my drink, my bread!" Those were my words. And guess what?
I'm serious. It has been miraculous. I have not had one single craving for McDonald's. It is amazing that I do not even SEE the restaurants as I'm driving around my area.
Usually before I would see the "golden arches" and immediately my mouth would start watering, my stomach start growling, I could taste the was insane how just SEEING something would get me started. But since that Sunday morning, all that is gone!
Sometimes, divine healing looks like a person with cancer being declared cancer-free, or a deaf person being able to hear, or sight being restored, all after being prayed for and anointed with oil.
But sometimes it looks like the chains of bondage from addictions being broken, and a person being able to walk away from stuffing food in their face!
It looks like a woman being able to remain SANE when she goes shopping alone.
It is manifested in a person being able to be completely honest with her husband about how much money was spent and what it was spent on.
It means no hidden food wrappers.
Or guilt.
No shame.
And all of that comes from praying and BELIEVING that God can heal!
Im so happy for you!!!....