Totally changing the way we eat requires just a little bit of an adventure into new isles in the grocery store, new products to try, different cooking methods, and an assortment of trials and errors.
So I thought I'd show you a few of the things that I've grown to love, things I MUST have on hand, things I just don't think I could live without!
Up first...
This is my water glass! I take it everywhere. It's like an extension of my arm these days. I actually own 2 of them exactly alike! It's a 24 oz. Tervis and I do my best to fill it up a minimum of 4 times a day. My daily goal is to have the second refill finished by lunchtime. Yes. I go to the bathroom A LOT! :)
I absolutely LOVE these tortillas! They're the best low carb ones I've found, and believe me, I've tried about 8 different brands! They're soft, they wrap without splitting, and they have an incredible taste! I get them at Wal Mart in the bread section.
These pitas are only 4 net carbs for the WHOLE thing, it really makes you feel great to have something to put your "stuff" in. I typically cut them in half, which gives me less carbs, and makes them last longer. I take them with me when we go out to eat burgers and order the "low carb" version. I even have converted my husband into taking them in his lunch instead of bread! They are also thick enough to use for pizza crust. I buy them at Wal Mart in the deli section.
Ok, what's not to love about chocolate and peanut butter? Huh?! These things are super-handy to toss into your purse, your gym bag, whatever, and you've got an instant back up plan if you get caught out past your meal time. They have 10 g. of protein and only 9 net carbs. You can buy them at the grocery store, but BE SURE they say "Protein" on the box and not just your average granola bar. I got this big box at Sam's Club yesterday. They also sell these at Costco.
Nuts!!! We're NUTS about NUTS at this house!!! Almonds and pistachios are our favorites, but we really haven't met a nut we don't enjoy. The cocoa dusted almonds are one of my favorite things when I need that little "something" after a meal, or have a craving for chocolate but don't want to totally blow the "plan." I also always keep a little solo 2 oz. serving cup of almonds in my purse. The salt and pepper pistachios are from Costco, the other 2 we got at Sam's club. Typically I buy them at Aldi's, but we happened to see these yesterday when we were in Knoxville. You can NEVER have too many nuts...but that's just my opinion! ;)
My new friend. I love the way it smells, I love the health benefits it offers, I love that if I get some on my hands I can just rub them together and not try to wash it off! It's awesome.
Sometimes, when I'm drinking all that water, I get tired of just the plain water. So I'll add a little bit of this in for a special treat. It DOES have carbs, though, so I have to be sure to save room for this.
I am in LOVE with these little things. Now, typically I'm not a tomato lover unless it's a homegrown tomato on a sandwich of white bread and mayo! But these. Oh goodness, these things are so awesome. Got them at Costco.
Now, ideally, I need to be eating "grass fed" beef, but when I can't afford it or can't find it, this is my go-to hamburger. Organic does NOT mean grass fed. But it is better than the other stuff you'd pick up, full of yucky unknowns. Costco sells this.
This salad!!! People! It's amazing! It says 7 Superfoods, but I leave out the dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds and add in those cherry tomatoes that I love and a few almonds. :) It tastes so good, and there's just something special about knowing that this GOOD tasting salad is also SO GOOD for me! I got it at Costco, and I wish I'd gotten 2 bags of it!
I love having this kind of salad mix around. It is pre-washed, it isn't just spinach so it has a great flavor, and it's so convenient for us to just grab and toss a salad together.
So, there you have it!!! A photo blog of some of the favorites at this house! Let me know what your favorite things are. :) I'm always up to trying something at LEAST once.
The picture of the coconut oil made me chuckle. We were just at Sam's on Saturday and Carrie bought 2 of those! :)