Monday, March 23, 2015

Looking Into a Crystal Ball

It's been 10 days since my birthday...10 days of feeling like Marty McFly and I've just returned from the future!

If you follow me on Facebook then you already know that I've been dealing with my father and his health crisis.  And I've done a post about my feelings on that whole thing in recent days.  But I wanted to update you on how it's all be affecting me.

Changing the way you eat is never easy.  I mean, really; you not only have to UN-learn all the things that you know, and then RE-learn all this new stuff. 
And you need to be organized.
And you have to be prepared for anything.
Plus you have to remember to eat 6 times a day.

Toss all that out the window when you start dealing with an aging parent that is making hospital visits, going into (and back out of) a rehab facility, multiple doctor's appointments, numerous phone calls...
Not to mention that I still have a family that needs taken care of.
AND did I tell you that I'm supposed to be homeschooling my 10th grader?!

Can I just sum this all up and spell it out for you?  D-R-I-V-E     T-H-R-U    W-I-N-D-O-W

Yeah, that's about the long and short of it for the last 10 days.

But that brings me to another point that I really wanted to talk about...this "looking into the crystal ball of my future" idea.

As I have been sitting in my Dad's hospital room, or in his nursing home room, or with him at the table in the nursing home dining room, and seeing him decline in health, yet continue to ask me to bring him pizza or hamburgers, or cake (all the wrong things), I couldn't help but feel like I'm looking into a mirror of what I can expect to look like in 20 years...IF things don't turn around.

It's serious, people.  I can sit and say, "Oh, it's just awful that he doesn't care and wants to keep eating all the wrong things and look where it's gotten him," but then on the way home, I drive through the McDonald's and get fries and a milkshake.  Or stop at the convenience store and get a candy bar and hide the wrapper from my husband.  Or order a pizza because I'm just too tired to cook.

And the sin that I'm committing is different HOW?  I'm continuing to choose to NOT take care of my body, yet I'm condemning my Dad for making wrong choices from his hospital bed?  Can we talk about splinters and beams?! :)

And so I, once again, go back to the Lord with my sinful, REBELLIOUS heart!  And I ask Him, once again, to forgive me, and CHANGE me!

And I, once again, repent and recommit to living a healthy life, of resisting the temptation to turn to FOOD for my source of comfort, when I know that is idolatry.

Because I don't want to be the 66 year old laying in a hospital bed, surrounded by family, and making them have to think about a future without me WAY TOO SOON!  But I WILL BE that person if I don't do something NOW.

There's still time. 

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