Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

I had set a goal for myself to be in the 220's by my birthday today.  I didn't make it.  I'm still the same weight as I was one month ago.  But I've learned a LOT about myself in that amount of time.
1.  I am a stress eater.  This doesn't come as a huge surprise.  But it has become even MORE apparent in this time that I've been walking through some health issues with my father.
2.  I HAVE to be organized, or my whole world falls apart.  It's a fact that I cannot function by the seat of my pants, as much as I would LIKE just doesn't work.
3.  Eating the wrong things for the wrong reasons gives me the wrong results!  I cannot, for the life of me, understand why I think that pizza will taste good because it's already made and quick to pick up on the way home. " It does not satisfy.  Ever.  Try to remember that!"  And I am always frustrated when I get on the scales the next morning and they show a gain.  Go figure!  I should've known it would happen.

But this is a new year.  And another opportunity to learn NEW lessons and make NEW choices that will take me down a different path that leads to the places I want to go.  Like good health.  Better blood work results.  Smaller clothing sizes.  More room on the couch.  Less use of pain killers.
So, while I may not have hit those numbers today, I'm still treading the path towards them, still working out, still doing my best to make the right choices.
Do I get it right every time?  NO.  In fact, I don't get it right MOST of the time.  But I'm striving.  I haven't given up.  And the GIFT of perseverance is a GREAT birthday present to myself!

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