I had a visit with the nutritionist today, and while there was good news on the scales, and praises from her about my journaling, there were also some suggestions to help me have even better results that have me quite discouraged tonight.
My results from my A1C blood test showed me at a 5.8%, which is definitely pre-diabetic. And my fasting blood sugar was 91, which is "normal," but at the high end of the normal range. So she suggests that I step away completely from potatoes (which I understand and which I've had maybe twice in the past month), and even cut my intake of the low carb bread/wraps, and cut out bananas totally, and limit my apples to half of one just every so often.
So, to recap,
No potatoes.

Almost no bread or wraps.
No bananas.
Limited apples.
Add this to my ever-growing list of "DO NOT EAT" and I am trying my best to not sink into despair!
I'm being honest when I say that I KNOW this is to save my life, literally, but it's not easy to take that news right here at the holidays when every single day is filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas time.
I am TRYING, really I am, trying to focus on the positive fact that I have lost 10 pounds, according to my calculations, and that people are starting to see the weight loss and tell me they see it.
But when I get told to cut even MORE things off the list, it IS hard to deal with.
This is a struggle. Every. Single. Day.
And today's 3-4 suggestions was just hard to hear.
As an addict, with a somewhat rebellious heart, I will tell you that I really wanted to just stop at McDonald's, or go to the bakery and get cupcakes, or any other yummy 'forbidden' food that I could think of.
But I'm asking God for His help.
And I ate broccoli with chicken for dinner.
It sounds like there are already some positive results from the changes you have made and that is awesome! Keep it up!!