Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I Can't Be Trusted...

So, I learned a lesson about myself yesterday as I was preparing to attend the annual Christmas Cookie Exchange at church...

I can't be trusted with cookies.

I thought that I had made the best choice by NOT buying all the ingredients to make some decadent "ooey-gooey-chocolate-and-caramel-luscious" something or other.

I bought a roll of Pillsbury Peppermint Sugar Cookie dough; the kind you just cut and plop on the cookie sheet.

"This won't be tempting," I said.

"I'm not going to be bothered by these," I said.

"It will be much easier to resist if I just bake and take and won't have all those leftover ingredients," I said.

Um...yeah.  That's not exactly how it worked out.

Because some of them all baked together and they didn't look even and they couldn't go to an exchange when they didn't look pretty,

so they had to stay here,

and they were warm,

and just sitting there on the cookie rack.

And so I ate that one.

And the one next to it that was a little bit burnt.

And then another.

And one that got broken.

And before you know it, I had eaten half a dozen "undesirable" cookies that were not supposed to be tempting to me!!!

And so I quickly realized that these cookies needed to go away...into the freezer...for when my son is home from the Army and wants "homemade" goodies.

So, with a sugar headache and tears in my eyes, I realized that if I had behaved this way in the privacy of my own home, with store bought "stuff," there was no way under the sun that I was going to be able to control myself with an overladen table FULL of yummy goodness that my friends had made.

So I stayed away.  Yet again.  From another social gathering. 

And it broke my heart that I had betrayed myself.


  1. None of us are 'trustworthy' my friend, but there is One who is. You know Him well. Appeal to the power that He gives you through the Holy Spirit and remember that His mercies are new every morning. Today is a new day....and when are we going to pray??? and...just say NO to cookies...they're kind of gross anyway. :)

    1. Kathy, let's pray together soon. Life is hectic at the holidays, I know! Thank you for always pointing me back to Jesus!

  2. LaDonna, I understand the frustration but you can't beat yourself up for it. This lifestyle change will take time to get used to. You WILL make mistakes, just pick yourself up and go on!!! We are all behind you and are excited for the progress that you have made!!!! Anyway, enough of the pep talk....lol....we love you and are praying for you and are behind you all the way!!!!

    1. Thank you, Shelly!!! It is SO incredibly helpful to know I have a "cheering" section on this journey. :)
