Saturday, January 3, 2015

Are You A "Disordered" Eater?

I'm currently reading a book that I paid a whole dollar for, and it's turning out to be a very good book!  It's called, "Hunger Within," written by Arthur W. and Judy Wardell Halliday, who are a M.D. and R.N. respectively.

I came across this on page 31, and it's just too good not to share:

"All too often- without really knowing what is wrong- we turn to food, drugs, alcohol, sex, work, or other counterfeits with the hope that these will alleviate our hunger.  When our eating is out of control or we use food to insulate ourselves from emotional pain, we say that our eating is 'disordered,' that it is out of God's order.  Disordered eating is a counterfeit for genuine satisfaction and leaves us empty and unfulfilled.  It is characterized as follows:

*We are preoccupied with food and eating.

*Food is used to insulate us from or numb emotional pain.

*Food is used in an attempt to satisfy our unfulfilled yearnings to be loved, valued, and cherished.

*Food or eating is used to try to achieve some order in a disordered life.

*Food is used to feed the lonely heart.

*Food or eating has become our focus, a compulsion an obsession, or an idol.

*Food or eating causes a disruption in our life, activities, and relationships.

*Food or eating controls us rather than vice versa.

*Food has become our best friend.

Do any of the above statements resonate with you?  I know they struck me right through the heart!!!

Deep within me lies a longing to hunger more deeply for God, to feast on His Word. 

It is my prayer for the new year to tear down these idols, to turn away from these houses of false worship.

If any of this rings true for you, I pray you will find freedom in 2015, that you will let me know your struggle so that I can pray for you, and that together we will live in victory!!!

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