Monday, January 5, 2015

Dealing with Rebellion

It's the first Monday of the month, and of the New Year, so is there any better time to start dealing with the first of many heart issues?  I don't think so.

And the first issue that I MUST deal with is this rebellion against exercise!  So I'm setting aside time to go to this place...
I don't know why I hate to exercise, but the best that I can come up with are these 3 reasons:
1.  I HATE to sweat! 
 I grew up in Arizona, I was hot all the time!  I wear makeup and I always feel like my face is sliding off when I'm sweating!  I don't want to stink, and even though I wear great deodorant, I still feel YUCKY when I'm sweating!
2.  I don't like to change clothes multiple times in one day. 
 I like having a routine where, if I'm up and dressed, then I'm dressed for the whole day!  If I have to get up and get dressed in one outfit, then stop and change, go to the gym, get sweaty, take a shower, put on another set of clothes, that just DRIVES ME CRAZY!
3. I look out of place at the gym. 
 I know, I can hear you saying, "What is she talking about?"  But it's true.  Admit it!  Most of the people at a gym look GREAT!  They are fit and fabulous.  And you KNOW they're grossed out by people that look like me in yoga pants with more rolls than a donut display case hanging off both sides of the bicycle seat!  I am NEVER more self-conscious than when I am at the gym!
So, there are my top 3 reasons, in the order of importance to me.  But I MUST lay them aside, and get my workout clothes on and get into this place today.  Maybe if I go in the middle of the day, there won't be so many fabulous people there?


  1. I don't hate to exercise - I just don't do it. Once I get going I am usually ok. My plan is to go to the Y and walk the track while Dave runs. I shall let you know if I follow through on my plan or not! :)

  2. LaDonna, your last reason is so not true, at least for me! I absolutely *love* seeing people at the gym that aren't completely buffed out or skinny as a twig! It means that they realize they need a change & want a healthier lifestyle & they are going out of their way to make a change. We all start somewhere. It is so inspiring to me to see people taking the plunge. There is one woman at my gym right now that is pretty heavy, but you know what? She hired a personal trainer & has been coming in three times a week & works her butt off & sweats like crazy & pushes herself as hard as she can go & it is SO inspiring to me! I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to go give her a big hug & tell her how proud I am of her for taking her life & her health in her hands & for doing something that will be so rewarding for herself. I love it! It makes me so happy. So come to the gym! Not everyone is grossed out by people working to get their lives back. A lot of people are truly inspired by the dedication & hard work :)
