On Wednesday of last week, I began the Core 8 program through my doctor's office. We meet for one hour, 3 times a week, and it consists of work outs, turning in our food journals, nutrition education, and accountability. A LOT to pack into an hour!
Tonight we weighed in and I was down ALMOST 5 pounds!
It has NOT been easy, per se, with the limited eating (no carbs, sugar, dairy, fruit) but it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be.
I will be eating this way for another week, and then they will begin to reintroduce some healthy options into the food list. Which I'm excited about!
But what I really wanted to focus on was the fact that this has been one of the worst weeks of my life, emotionally! And while there was one day that I ran to the wrong thing (3 fun size Twix bars!), for the rest of the week I've been able to control my eating while my emotions have been all over the map!!!
And that has been the grace of GOD! I know this. I recognize God. I can see His hand in this whole week so clearly.
For that, I humbly bow and say "Thank you, Jesus!"
Hey - that is AWESOME weight loss already! Good for you!!