Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hard Habit to Break

Webster defines habit as an act repeated so often by an individual that is has become automatic with him.  And that is what's on my mind this morning.

When thinking about how I got "here," to this weight/place/crisis in my life, what were the actions that propelled me? 

2 words: Bad  Habits.

I have a habit of sleeping too much.  I like to say that I don't do mornings.  And really, I truly believe I was made for second shift.  I've worked all three shifts at a nursing home at one time or another in my lifetime, and I truly function best on second shift, that 3-11 time slot fits me.  But too often I've used it as an excuse to not do something...get up in the morning, go exercise, attend a Bible study, etc.  And instead of disciplining myself to GET UP and start moving, I just complain, tell myself that I'm too tired, and roll over and go back to sleep.  A bad habit.

I have a habit of thinking I need something sweet after each meal.  Do you do this?  Is it absolutely necessary to have dessert?  NO!  But for some reason, it has become a habit.  I mean, seriously, I'm not even done with my meal before I'm thinking ahead about what I can eat that's sweet to cut the "salty" taste in my mouth?!  It's been very hard to step away from that habit these last couple of weeks.  And really, it's just a habit, because I'm totally fine without it.  And a piece of fruit will do the trick, if I think I absolutely HAVE to have something!  I guess maybe it goes back to childhood where a meal wasn't complete without dessert?  I don't know, but it's a bad habit, and I'm trying to break it.

I have a habit of getting on the internet before I read God's word.  This has probably been one of my more destructive habits.  It's so easy to think, "I just need to check my email, send a message, and then I'll get off and read my Bible."  Then you see someone has messaged you from facebook and you jump on there to answer them, and then you scroll through your newsfeed and then you're commenting and "liking" like a mad woman, and before you know it, 2 hours has gone by!  The computer/internet has become an addiction to me, a source of deep contention between my husband and I (for the record, my husband HATES the computer!), and it is something that I'm asking for God to help me walk away from.  The hardest part about it is that our society and the circles we move in have become dependent on the internet as their main source of communication!  So it becomes difficult to stay "in the know" if you decide to be radical and "get rid of the internet!"  But it is still a bad habit that has caused me to waste time, to lose valuable time that I'll never get back, and I'm repenting for that.

I have a bad habit of eating too fast.  This is a BIG one for me!  I eat quickly and unconsciously.  I haven't been paying attention to what I'm eating, which also means I'm not paying attention to HOW MUCH I'm eating, and therefore the calories rack up rather quickly!  We also have gotten away from eating at the table and instead, have moved to the living room, sitting in front of the T.V.  This MUST change.  It only creates more mindless eating, because we're engrossed in watching the screen instead of watching our fork.  And eating more slowly is something that I must do.  I've been making forcing myself to PUT THE FORK DOWN between bites.  I had never realized I'd been holding it in my hand throughout the entire meal!  Crazy, isn't it?  The eating habits of skinny people, if you've never noticed, is that they eat slowly, take small bites, put the fork down between those bites, and they converse during the meal.  Shoot, not me!  Which is why no one has ever called me a "skinny person!"  So, yes, a bad habit.  I've got to tell myself to "Slow down!  Enjoy!  Savor the flavor!"

So, there you have it...just a few of the bad habits that have contributed to my weight.  And they are HARD habits to break.  But with God's help, I'm going to create new, healthy habits!

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